
Monday, October 31, 2005


Too bad my little sister cant have any of this wonderful candy.....Guess I will just have to eat her portion of the take from this night. I did all the leg work in getting this candy so guess with the spoils comes the rewards. It would have been easier if mom and dad would have just went to the store and bought us this candy from the start.

Sweetest treats on the block!

This is my flower!

Happy Halloween

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Taking a closer look!

I took my little cousin Ava (she's in the stroller, look closely but I think that she is covered up with new clothes!) to check out the nice stuff that we found in the mall the other night. Those girls are speed shoppers, all of this in less than 10 minutes!

Meghan and Grandpa

I believe that I could get anything I wanted from this guy, I just look innocent right now because I am asleep!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Shopping with the girls!

Wow, did we have fun or what!! We are lucky little girls - look at all of these nice clothes that we got at Macy's! We better stick with these older chicks, they have some taste!

The three amigo's!

As long as I have a hold on Abby and Ava like this, I can get them to do what I want!

Get on that horse!

It was all fun and games until I hit Abby in the ribs to make her go faster, then I got bucked off!

Playing some tunes with Auntie!

This is rough lovin'!

Climbin' ladders

Since Mom and Dad don't have a tree in the backyard to climb, I guess I'll have to settle with the gym at the park, O well!

Playing at the park!

Mom took my sister and I to the park - I'm too little to play on the slide yet but my time will come.


I just love spaghetti, but for some reason Mom doesn't fix it as much as she used to - especially now that I can feed myself:)

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Us with Mr. Scarecrow

Pumpkins everywhere, including us!

How's about this pic, I'm squashing Meghan!

Dad and I!

Mom and Me!


I just don't understand why Mommy and Daddy are making me sit outside and eat this, what's the big deal?


Where has this "bus" been for so long?? I was able to get Great Grandpa to pick me up some ice cream. Sorry Meghan, you're day will come!

Stetchin' me out!

Daddy doesn't think that I am tall enough yet, so he is letting me hang from this tree in hopes that I will squeak out a few more inches.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

I'm a country bumkin' enjoying the pumkins!

This is all of us!

What a beautiful October day in Dayton, OH! We enjoyed spending this wonderful Saturday afternoon at Bonny Brook Farms petting the animals, eating good food, and playing in the pumpkin patch. What a way to wrap up what is surely the end of the nice weather this fall. Abby was too little to ride the ponies, however, but maybe next year. Great Grandpa said that I could come ride his horses anytime!

At the pumkin farm with Great Grandpa and Grandma Bernard

Great Grandpa was telling us all about when he rode around in this wagon, wow - he's a legend!

Punkins for sale!

Am I a poster-child for the pumkin business or what???

Boy, this chicken is mean!

Wow, this bird sure did not like me bawk-bawking him - when I tried to get a closer look he about pecked me on the nose! Good thing Mommy was there to save me from this crazy bird!!

Hangin' with my Sis!

Tigger sure is a lucky guy, letting both of us hang together on this couch with him!

Drinkin' juice and watching Barney

Life is good!

I can't talk on the big phone yet so this one will have to do for now! By the way, I do believe that I am having a bad hair day:)

Wanna Be My Friend

Meet my friend Baby Bop, Abby let me borrow her for a while!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Oh Boy a wagon ride with my big Sister

It's about time I am big enough to sit in this great ride - now I can scope out which houses in the neighborhood I can toilet-paper later!

This is the Life, Bath time

I love just hanging out in the water, splishing and splashing, getting water everywhere, If I were only a fish I would never have to get out of the water.

Flying High!!!!

Wow my dad is strong, I must be like 50 feet in the air, if nothing else works out I will be able to get a job in the circus as an acrobat.

just a swingin'

will someone please give me a push, I'm tired of just sitting here, I bet they don't leave my cousin Ava hangin like this.

Ummm Super Cake Mom

I cant believe we ran out of gas!!

I am glad we worked out yesterday, we are about a mile from home and we ran out of gas, now I have to push the wagon and my sister home.