
Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Merry Christmas!!

Do these girls look wild or what! We have Christmas in KY and OH done, now off to Kansas! Over the river and through the woods - wait, do they have woods in Kansas???

Christmas with Granny Hall!

Me and my Bouncy friend Tigger!

Let me tell all of you, I can give this thing a workout!

Us on Christmas Day!

At least a few of us are happy, not Abby!!

Nighty night!!

I think this is for my new doll but I believe that I can fit!

Thelma and Louise!

Here we are, causing trouble - just as Amy and Kelly use to do in high school! This was supposed to be Tory's Christmas present but we found it a few days early - sorry Tory!

Helpin' Daddy with his new hat!!




Here is Amy and Shad in California, PA, at the graduation ceromony! YAAHOOO!

Monday, December 12, 2005

Last week's happenings at the Bernard's

Meghan had her six month check-up this past week, she weighed in at 15 pounds, 9 ounzes. She is in the 50 percentile for weight and her length at 28 inches puts her in the 98 percentile for height. Future WNBA stars, both of the girls! We got that nice Kansas snow storm that dumped our first big snow, at least 6 inches or so. McGuire does not like going out in that stuff but he manages! Enjoy the pictures and stay tuned for new stuff to come!

Would you like some M & M's??

My first play-time in the snow

This is what happened at our house last week - 6 inches of snow. This stuff is a little tough to walk in! Maybe Meghan can come out and play next year! She's all warm and cozy in her crib taking a nap right now - ssshhhhhhh!!!

Us and Great Grandpa Hall (Paw)

We sure enjoyed our visit with Papaw and Lou - WOW - they have their house all ready for Christmas! Abby didn't know what to think of the big dancing Santa, but Meghan was pretty interested in that old fella!

Helping wrap presents;)

Here is Meghan's buddy!

Ok, if Abby gets to have a date then so do I! Carter and I are just hangin' out enjoying each other's company.

Me and my buddy Logan (a.k.a. "ogan")!

Yum, yum, these rolls are pretty good - we hope this present isn't breakable! Peas and carrots, these two little ones!

NO, Mommy, I haven't been in the candy bowl!

Do I have to stay here until Christmas???

Check out the stash!

Look at all of these presents! Wow, we can't wait until Santa says we can break into these!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

What a week it has been! Yesterday Meghan turned six months old. She had her six month pictures made and that was crazy - there was quite a few people at the mall shopping. She is almost sitting up on her own as well as getting the complete roll-over down to an art! Meghan's has a check-up with the doctor this week so stayed tuned as we see how much she has grown. Abby learned that she could use her small chairs to climb onto the kitchen counter, that's not a good thing! Oh, she is trying to climb out of her crib as well. She is definitely two years old, that's for sure. It is fun to watch the excitement of the girls over the Christmas lights and decorations. They are sure enjoying the season, as are we! On Sunday, we made dinner for some friends. We shared some good times and good laughs, those times don't come around as often as we would like. Enjoy this week's pictures!

Meghan and Santa!

Let me tell you, I sure love this guy's beard! I had to check it out and see if it is real, the jury is still out on that one. That big sister of mine would not sit on Santa's lap but Mom and Dad will continue to work on it and see if we can get a picture of her as well.

My 1st Christmas ornament!

The girls and the kids!

From the softball fields of MSU to a few years later and look how our lives have changed!

Checkin' out the stash a little early!

We're taking a peek under the tree!

Mom and her girls!

This is what life is all about! Mom is thankful everyday that she gets to wake up and spend her life with these two, precious little girls. Oh yeah, she enjoys Dad's company too!

It's Minnie and Mickey Mouse!

Wow, look who made it to 5077 Tewkesbury Drive! Abby was really excited to see the arrival of her pals Minnie, Mickey and Pluto!

Two Silly Sisters:)

My sticker is on my mouth and Meghan's is on her rear - signed and sealed!

Abby and her crazy buddy Mattie!

Don't worry everyone, Mattie doesn't look like this all of the time!

Meghan and her friend Addie

We are just sitting here sharing a book! One day, Addie, Abby, and me will tear up the basketball court - or the softball field!