
Sunday, May 21, 2006

Special Delivery.....

The flower girl and maid of honor of Auntie's wedding delivering a special basket of flowers and party favors to Mamaw and Papaw Cecil....

The Wedding Day....

Hey Ben, you better learn to share your food like Auntie does!

Abby,Aunt Michelle, and Uncle Chad sharing some good times at the reception.

Nunny and Meghan, what a pair! Isn't Nunny one hot mama??

What a group of girls!

The ring bearer left me after I dumped out my flowers and gave my basket to someone in the crowd!

Abby and Chase did a great job in their roles as flower girl and ring bearer, we think they stole the show, until Auntie walked down the aisle. These two kept the crowd entertained early on, they even did some stage diving before the ceremony!

These are yummy green beans - by the way, how cute am I?

More cake please! Isn't my Daddy hansome??

What a beautiful wedding party!

What an awesome pair these two are!

Does anyone have any quarters, Chase and I need some jelly beans...

What a striking couple!

Auntie's wedding rehearsal

The ring bear and flower girl will take food from anyone!

Hhhhmmm, do I trust Uncle Chad doing this or not, he tried to stick it up my nose earlier...

Yes, I tore down the table cloth - this is great - I am just trying to see how many people try to crawl under here to get me...

Just having myself a little cow juice...


Crazier!!! Maybe its a good thing that there are so many miles between us;)

Here's the happy couple....their first of many smiles together!

The beautiful bride with her beautiful niece...

Here's Mommy and Daddy, don't they look nice!

Catch me if you can Aunt Michelle!

Uncle Chad, get off of me!

No Daddy, don't sing anymore!!

This is one tired flower girl!

Monday, May 15, 2006

11 months old!

Can you believe it, how time does fly!

Sweet and innocent....yeah, right!

Abby took a spill and scratched her nose, but all is well now!

Afternoon fun on our playset..

Up the slide she goes!

Abby is scouting out the neighbors, as well as the hungry bus!

Am I a smiley girl or what....

Check out our new bathroom!

Abby loves all of the bright colorful frogs and butterflies that have moved into the bathroom.