
Sunday, November 26, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Here we are, the morning of Thanksgiving - just hanging out in our chalet in the Great Smokey Mountains and watching the Macy's parade.

What great weather and a beautiful view behind me, this is the life!

Daddy and Abby, enjoying the day...

We took a trip into town before dinner, and Daddy and Uncle Ben let me throw pennies in the fountain!

We found Santa's sleigh! He let us borrow it for a picture.

Uh, Oh, Santa dropped a few gifts on the sidewalk - Abby thought she would pick them up and put them under her Christmas tree.

Auntie doing her part held our leashes what time we checked out the stream..

Back at the "Abby's smokey mt. house," as she called it, to color some Frosty pictures.

Meghan helped Uncle Ben with his pool game, some of us need all the help we can get ;-)

Abby gives Auntie a hand on the finishing touches of her dessert, yummy!

Since everyone is so busy getting dinner ready, just thought I would help myself to some whipped cream!

Helping Nunny get my plate - can't wait to eat!

Check out this plate of Thanksgiving dinner, and I ate a lot of it!

Aunt Elaine got me and Abby a new teddy bear!

Ring around the rosey!

Our cousin Autumn came to play with us..

Here we are playing on the stairs, what a great end to a perfect day!

Hanging out in Gatlinburg..

It was so warm in Tennessee, Daddy and Papaw took us for ice cream!

I'm up to no good, can you tell?

Here we are, on top of the mountain overlooking town. This is what the view from our chalet will look like when we come back next summer with Gpa!

Abby is on the skylift enjoying the ride and the view!

Daddy took a wild ride on the bull, can he stay on 8 seconds??

No, doesn't look like it!!

The last day of our Thanksgiving vacation....

Will someone please give me some Oreo's??

A beautiful day for a tricycle ride in the mountains.

Give me a push Meghan, we are on an incline ya know.

Here we are with Nunny and Papaw, and a bear!

Meghan took a trip on the ice with Mommy, that was interesting (and cold!)

A couple of trips around the ice was enough for Meghan, but she did have fun while it lasted!

How 'bout it Abby, let's take this train back to Ohio!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Leaves, leaves, and more leaves!

These girls had loads of fun in the backyard, as you can tell!

AAHHH, there are so many of them!

Do you think we can get Meghan to take a nap in there??

So much work for one little girl!

Good think Abby's around to give me a hand..

Hey, where did Meghan go - I think she bailed on me!

One last playdate at the park..

Meghan and Abby met their buddies Logan and Carter at the park last week after Mommy got off of work. They had a great time!

Abby waves as she takes a ride on the merry-go-round.

Teeter-totter time, hold on tight girls!

Just hangin' out, what we do best!

Time for playing in the leaves!

This was a first for Meghan, and she sure did love her leaf pile..

Yes, it's a little chilly - but who cares - we are playing in the leaves!!

Love from Meghan

Sometimes it gets a little wet, but kisses from little sis are always welcome!

We got a package from cousin Ava!

Yeah for Play Doh, Abby got her birthday present with her Halloween goodies. Daddy said that I have to wait until Meghan takes a nap to play with it - she tries to eat it...

What's in there for me Abby, did you take my candy??

We love our new microphone - thanks Ava for our package!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Hanging out with Mr. Pumpkin before the night began.

Ok, this thing is empty, let's get busy!!

Daddy and the girls are on a mission...

Mommy and her little barnyard animals.

Fill our pumpkin buckets up John!

Abby, did you eat some sour candy??

Whoa, little piggy, do you think you have enough treats in that big bucket?

Enjoying the first of many goodies for our night out of the barn..

Yummy goodies are in there! We think we have enough to last until next year.