
Sunday, January 21, 2007

Our first snow of the year!

And this is my very first time getting to play in the snow - what a big day for me!

Now that I am out here, this stuff is pretty hard to walk in - please help?!

Here comes big sister Abby to the rescue!

Are you ready Meghan?

Just follow my foot steps..

Mom helped me make some snowballs to throw at Daddy.

This is not optimal weather for playing on the swing set but it works!

Let's cover up Meghan with snow!

Wow, I made it down the slide pretty fast for some reason!

Now that our cheeks are getting a little red and rosy I guess its time to go inside for some hot chocolate and a nap. Goodbye for now!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I love my sister..

Taking some time out from jumping on Mommy and Daddy's bed to pose for a picture.

Nice up-do ;-)

Ok, how many of you can do this with your hair?

Check out my new shades!

Well, technically they're not new, but to me they are and that's all that matters!

Abby really likes them too...

What a big phone!!!

Uncle Shay, do you think T-mobile can make Meghan and I a phone like this to play with?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Our Christmas vacation with Grandma Jenny

So, are we cooking are just making a big mess?

We'll go with making a big mess!
You better not leave your Christmas stocking laying around because
I will find the goodies!

Here we are on the stairs, I bet you can't count the number of trips we made up and down these..

Rockin' around the Christmas tree.

We're buddies, me and and Uncle Shon. I think I can get him to do about anything I want...

Once again, do not leave your food unattended!

All this playing made Ava thirsty, I promise Uncle Shay and Aunt Andrea - there is only water in here!

Over the river and thru the woods....

To Gpa's house we go!! Let's see, I've been in the car for over 12 hours and I have run out of beautiful scenery in Kansas so time to sleep!

Mommy and Daddy have told me the past 6 hours that it's not much further, I'm at the point that I don't believe them...

Finally here and hangin' out with Uncle Shon.

Meghan helps Uncle Shay walk big bad Sandy.

Gpa, I don't think this make-shift see-saw is working too well. Let's blow this joint and find a real park!

Instead of us walking the dog, Sandy is walking us!

That's some good taco dip, huh!

Whee!!! Now this is a park!

This is so much fun!

Our cousin Ava is finally awake, now she can join us in the fun....

All the Bernard great-grandchildren, right here in Russell, KS.

We'll just sit down to a great bedtime story, where the hot chocolate Gma Julie - I know you have some stashed away!

Imagine that, we are eating again!

Just the gals, what a team!

AAAAHHHH, no more food, please!

Just some Gpa and Abby time, this doesn't roll around too often...

Well, we gave the family pic a shot, seems as if we are missing a couple of people. I guess sometimes there is just not enough room on the couch...

Armful of love.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

Somehow, someway we were able to take a family picture in front of the Christmas tree.

We even stopped Meghan for a brief moment!

Daddy giving the girls some help with their new presents.

What would you like for Meghan to cook for you?

For all those who know, Abby has been asking for a jeep for months! Santa thought she was a good girl so he delivered it to both girls. It's been too wet and cold for it to go outside so it has made some miles in the house. Let's just say that Daddy will need to repaint the hallway!

Abby's other favorite, her own digital camera!

Mommy and her two beautiful little girls, who needs anything for Christmas when these two are around??

Look Meghan, a new plate!

We love our Dad, aka Santa!

No, its not Michael Jackson, its Meghan!!

Smile Meghan..

Whew, I'm exhausted, now lets get ready for a trip to Kansas.