
Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy Holidays everyone! It's been a very busy month for all of us so our apologies for taking so long to get new pictures up. We all had a very blessed Christmas, not only for the wonderful gifts but also the opportunity to see family and friends. It seems that spending time with everyone happens very little so we try not to take advantage of those times. Enjoy the new pics, and soon we'll have more on as we are traveling to Kansas next week to spend New Year's with family out there. Take care and have a safe and happy New Years!

It's Christmas Day!

Whatcha say Meghan, let's see what Santa brought you!

Some new snowpants for Abby....

And Tickle Me Elmo for Meghan...

Let's fly away with Rocket and the Little Einsteins.

Give us a hand Daddy with Dora and her train track....

And Abby got her very own Disney Princess vanity so she can see herself when she brushes her hair.

Look, Grandma Jenny sent me my own trampoline!

And our present to Daddy read: Here's a gift card to the Ziebarts so you can get your stinky car cleaned! Love, Abby and Meghan.

Let's Open Some Presents!

My own newborn baby! I like her until she cries, then it's time to dump her on someone else...

Wow, look - it's......NOTHING! It's one of those "you had to be there" stories, but Abby opened up her gift from Uncle Ben and Auntie and thought that there was nothing in the box. But there actually was, she just didn't see it at first...

Getting some help from Auntie with this gift.

And just for you Popaw, you're very own Spider Man movie!

Forget the cool candy cane dish that Auntie and Uncle Ben got, they were more excited about the chips and taco dip the went with it! Oh, and the Famous Dave's gift card that is buried under the dip - have fun finding that!!!!

Abby wanted her very own talking baby doll for the longest time, and she got it for Christmas! She was very excited.

And even Aunt Judy came up to spend Christmas Eve with us - here she is modeling her very own sweatshirt with the "faces" of all her great-grandchildren. Very cute - we think she liked it!

Hurry up Daddy - get my Dora tricycle put together!!

And since Abby likes fixing hair so much, she got her very own styling princess head.

And here Nunny enjoys the scrapbook that Mommy made for her.

Safety first, I had to put on my helmet before I can ride my new tricycle....

Christmas Eve at Granny's

Granny is checking out her new book that she got from the girls...

Wow, a new keyboard and Memory game!!!

Thomas, Abby, Marshall, and Meghan are listening to Santa whisper to them what the rest of their Christmas presents will be...

Check it out Marshall, you got a new keyboard yourself!

Who says a girl can't play with dump trucks?

You know Meghan, the crazier the better!

Thomas wants Shad to hurry up and put the Little People Fun Park together.

Granny has her arms full of love from these two little girls.

Here's all the Hall great-grandchildren enjoying Christmas together.

It's almost Christmas Eve!!!!

Just helping Nunny make some donuts...they are sure to be yummy!

Just sharing some fun times with our friend Josi.

And "Aunt" Rose helps Meghan find the tickle monster - I think it went in her pocket...

And it's a sword fight with the empty rolls from the Christmas paper but since there wasn't enough for Meghan, she temporily used a broomstick... Don't worry, no harm done.

And Josi's new baby brother Dylan made it in the picture as well.

Our new Christmas dresses.

Check out our new fancy dresses! Nunny made these for just for us to wear to church. Isn't she the greatest??!!

Our new Christmas hats!

We are such lucky little girls - our babysitterMarilyn made us hats, gloves, and a new scarf for Christmas! They are nice and warm...

Let's have a snowball fight!

Yes, the snow is melting but there's still enough to throw at Daddy!

Playdate are always fun!

What time Mommy and her friend Angie made Christmas goodies, we got to play with Addie and her little brother Clay. Addie was nice enough to let me practice my hairstyling...

Gotta start early Clay when learning the game of basketball, let me teach you some skills!

Can you believe that there is only 8 days or so between our birthdays???

Christmas with Great-Grandpa Hall

Just paying a visit in southeast OH to see the elk and eat some of Lou's yummy vegetable soup.

I guess it's time to say good-bye but we sure had a good time!