
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Easter at Nunny and Papaw's house....

And here's Auntie and Uncle Ben, helping out the Easter Bunny by hiding his eggs.

And Meghan begins to fill up her pail with lots and lots of eggs...

And look at all the eggs that Abby has rustled up!

Goodness, that Easter Bunny was everywhere!

My bucket is running over!

And now Meghan has dumped all of her eggs to see if there are any treats in them - she did get lucky a few times!

And now that it is all said and done, it's time for Abby's baby doll to get some attention.

And here's Papaw, helping Meghan pick up her eggs that have spilled over. What would have Meghan done without him???

Let's color some eggs!

Abby's ready to make a mess....

And with some help from Meghan, that is for sure to happen!

Meghan had way too much fun!

It's Easter basket time!!!!

Check out what the Easter bunny left for us!!

Meghan wastes no time in getting to the bottom of her basket...

And Abby was excited as well, but was wondering why the baby chickens and baby bunnies she asked for was not in there....

Wow, Playhouse Disney stickers!!!

And Tinkerbell earrings!

And of course, you have to get a chocolate bunny.

All dressed up!

Let's go on an egg hunt!

Here we are, all smiles and ready to go on a dreary Sat. morning, with our baskets ready to get filled up....

And here's Abby- all smiles, but as soon as the egg hunt was ready to start she got scared to go because "the flying monkeys are going to get me!" Needless to say, we had to put away the Wizard of Oz movie for a while, as we are still trying to convience her that they are not real....

And poor Meghan, she took off to get her eggs but as soon as she realized that Abby was not by her side, she turned around and came back. Better luck next year, we guess!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

We did it all for Daddy - we picked out a Winnie the Pooh ice cream cake....

Then we helped him blow out the candles!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Let's build a snowman!

Whew, this is hard work, isn't it Daddy?

Meghan mostly supervised, but got in on the action every now and then.

And his name is Frosty! But let me tell you, things did not go too well when he started to melt:-(

And the BIG snow is arriving!

We got to go out and play during the "break" of the snow storm on Friday evening. Meghan thought her lawn mower would do the same job as Daddy's snow blower.

Abby got some speed going down the slide in her snow pants!

Meghan had to dig herself a little path so she could use her swing.

Climbing the ladder is hard work in snow boots!

And Meghan takes some swings off the tee...for some reason this ball is very hard!

And Abby's first-ever attempt at a snow angel - she did pretty good!

And Meghan gets a few bites of snow.

So, what do we do since it's snowing outside?

Meghan did some fingerpainting....

And Abby painted pictures of butterflies and Dorothy....

And Meghan is using the potty!!!! It took a few days of meeting her toe-to-toe in the stubborn departments, but she has picked it up extemely fast!

And here we are, all nice and cozy, watching Finding Nemo!

And when it was all over.....

So, what do you girls think - how much did we get??
We're ready to check it out!

Wow, a little bit more snow would put it pretty close to the top of the car! The grand total in Dayton was 15.4 inches.

Wow, that's a lot of snow! It's a good thing that Daddy cleared us a path to get out of the front door...

Abby immediately went to work on a snow angel.

And Meghan didn't quite know what to think at first, but she sure giggled a lot!

Do you think that this would be a good start to a snowman?

This snow is difficult to walk in - I am quite frustrated!

Well, it's not as warm as what it would be if I buried myself in the sand on the beach, but it was still fun to do!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Disney on Ice


Our Saturday at Disney On Ice.

Here we are! When Meghan seen this, she got very excited and repeated, "NEMO, NEMO, NEMO" over and over. We all had a wonderful time! Our trip to Disneyworld can't get here soon enough!!!!!!

And look who was there!! Abby and Meghan both told Mickey and Minnie that they would she them soon.....

Nemo and Dory...

Here's Nemo! Yeah!!!

And the scary shark....he was a little spooky - Abby thought that he was going to come up in the stands and get her.

And here's Crush, the turtle.

Abby is having a good time! It took some explaining to her, but she thought since Nemo came to town that Cinderella's castle was going to come out next.

And so did Meghan!

And the best thing is that we got to do it together! And ya know what the good thing about it is??? We get to see Nemo and all his friends again in Disney!