
Monday, September 08, 2008

Abby's first day of Pre-K!

Daddy tries to smile, but his heart is a little broken that Abby is almost 5 and today was her first day at Pre-K. She was so excited to go!

I have one of my favorite dresses on and my Tink lunch box in hand - I am ready to GO, GO, GO!!!

Little sis Meghan wanted to come along and see me off on my first day....

I found my cubby all by myself - it even had my name on it!

And my seat had my name on it too! Who wouldn't love to start their day by playing with blocks?

A good-bye hug from Meghan and it's time her and Mommy to leave. Still smiles and ready to have a fun-filled morning! (but I'm not for sure if I can say the same for Mommy and Daddy;-(

Take me out to the ballgame!

Let's go CUBS!

Daddy got a late Father's Day gift, as we got him tickets to the Cubs vs. Reds game. We sat a few rows up from the Cubs dugout! We had a good time (for a while, anyways) is a little boring for us but Daddy sure had a good time.

The policeman was nice enough to let us pet his horse.

"Hey there girls, did you bring me a carrot or something?"

All ready to see our Cubs!

Whew, it was really hot and we were ready to go by the 2nd inning, but we toughed it out until we got to the 7th inning stretch and got to sing, "Take Me Out to the Ballgame."

Please, can we just go already!!!!!

These guys were pretty cool....and we ended our day with the Cubs getting beat 4-3. Better luck next time. Happy Late Father's Day Daddy!

Family fun time!

Great times at the Hall family reunion...

Abby loves to play with Chase.

Here we go on the teeter totter.

I love to play at the park!

Yes Meghan, we all agree that Mommy rocks!

Good times with my cousin Chase!

We are silly girls!

Yes, we can touch our nose with our tongues!

Keep working at it Meghan, you'll get it...

We love to have some fun!

So much fun in fact, that it wears me out!

Summer fun is coming to an end....

I love to help water the flowers....

Mommy took me to school with her one day - I love the secretary in the athletic office - she hooked me up with suckers all morning long!

We love to pick tomatoes! Trust me, there is no shortage of them at our house!

Giving Dora a ride in my car. Do I look sweet or what?