
Sunday, September 11, 2005

Hey How Ya Doing!!!!

My sister is teaching me how to use the phone, we grabbed dads cell when he wasnt looking and called the local hungry bus people to see why they havent been around lately!


  • At 4:05 PM , Blogger LJBERNARD said...

    The way I see it is, big sis has this phone stuffed in my ear and she wants me to explalin what happened, as she thinks I am the talker. Well, at this point in time because I cannot walk, crawl, or even roll over, I have to do what she says. But in the future, and that is not far away, she is going to have to do some of this talking herself, so here goes. What we want is to be part owners in the hungry bus and for it to be stationed at our house. We want 60% of all profits and an open ticket to the goods that are stored inside. We promise to keep up our end of the deal and to help promote the business. Any questions from those of you who are reading this, just drop Ab and me a line. By the way, I cannot talk or write either...come to think of it, about all I do is eat, sleep, smile, and ride around in the doll buggy that Ab pushes. Not such a bad life.

  • At 11:00 AM , Blogger Shay Bernard said...

    Abby and Meaghan, I really hope that is a T-Mobile phone you're using. If it's not, maybe your uncle Shay could get you your own phones. Then you can talk all the time on them and call anyone one want.


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