
Sunday, November 13, 2005

Guess what everyone?? This has been a big week! I (Meghan) started eating the good stuff this week and let me tell you, I can't get enough! I get to eat some fruits and veggies, but I have to say the bananas are much better than the green beans;) I am also finding it pretty easy to roll to my belly but for some reason my arm gets in the way and I can't get back over! Someone has to rescue me after a while. That's ok, I just have to keep working at it. That big sister of mine, she's a trip! She is coloring up a storm, even drawing circles and squares! She has also tried to draw Mommy, Daddy, herself and me but it doesn't quite look like us. Also, Mom and Dad took us to welcome Santa to town, I sure hope he stops at our house! Abby and I are trying to be good, I think we are doing a good job. Stay tuned to our website, the holidays are coming and we'll surely be taking some cute pics for all of you out there! Catch you later!


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