A Big Night with Barney and Friends!
Guess what Abby and Meghan got to do on Wednesday night???? Yep, they got to see Barney!! Not only does Abby love him, but Meghan is a big fan herself! Watching their faces light up when the big purple dinosaur stepped on stage was priceless, that's for sure. Abby got to sing and dance in the aisle with the other kids, while Meghan stood in Daddy's lap the entire time squealing, bouncing, playing patty-cake and blowing kisses at BJ and Baby Bop. What an adventure these two little girls had!

Here's the crew, searching for new toys for BJ and Baby Bop in the "Imagination Toy Factory!"

Mom snagged a picture with the girls during intermission.

Since Meghan can't get her own souveniers, big sis Abby took care of her by grabbing some confetti that fell on the floor!

As you can tell, we had a great view of the show, 7 rows back from the stage.

Abby enjoying a hot dog before the show.

What a cute pair, proud Daddy Shad and his Meggie!

Abby wanted to be sure that Meghan could see the show, so she grabbed her sis and dragged her into the aisle so she could see.

Abby says, " Hey, I didn't see that shirt!"
Her new friend replies, "I'm sure they still have some, maybe you can talk G-Pa Larry into getting it for you on Barney.com - I'm sure he can find it there!"
"Wow, what a great idea, maybe when I outgrow this one that I have, maybe G-Pa will hook me up! - or even better, when Barney comes out with a new show ( I know that Mommy and Daddy hope I outgrow Barney, but o well!) maybe I can snag someone else to go with Meghan and I to the show. Why not share these good times - I bet Ava would LOVE to go!"

Here's the crew, searching for new toys for BJ and Baby Bop in the "Imagination Toy Factory!"

Mom snagged a picture with the girls during intermission.

Since Meghan can't get her own souveniers, big sis Abby took care of her by grabbing some confetti that fell on the floor!

As you can tell, we had a great view of the show, 7 rows back from the stage.

Abby enjoying a hot dog before the show.

What a cute pair, proud Daddy Shad and his Meggie!

Abby wanted to be sure that Meghan could see the show, so she grabbed her sis and dragged her into the aisle so she could see.

Abby says, " Hey, I didn't see that shirt!"
Her new friend replies, "I'm sure they still have some, maybe you can talk G-Pa Larry into getting it for you on Barney.com - I'm sure he can find it there!"
"Wow, what a great idea, maybe when I outgrow this one that I have, maybe G-Pa will hook me up! - or even better, when Barney comes out with a new show ( I know that Mommy and Daddy hope I outgrow Barney, but o well!) maybe I can snag someone else to go with Meghan and I to the show. Why not share these good times - I bet Ava would LOVE to go!"
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