
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Good night's sleep (or BAD??)

Whew, our weekend trip to the zoo and the Smokey Mountains just wore me out!! We had a good time though as Abby and I got to share Mommy and Daddy's 7-year anniversary with them. We got to see lots of animals, hear newborn baby lion cubs cry, as well as seeing Barney, Jay-Jay the Jet Plane, and Johnny and the Sprites. We also went on a safari adventure at the zoo and since we found all of the animals, Meghan and I got a bagful of neat surprises- like coloring books, a beach ball, and a Bob the Builder video! Mom and Dad let us also pet the goats and lamas, as well as feed the camels. It was so much fun! Then, we played in the water in the mountains, it was REALLY cold. The next day we had the best pancakes ever made, then stopped at a kiddie playland on the way home. Enjoy the pictures of the week!

Fun at the Kiddie Park!

Here we are taking a ride on the horses...

I think I can, I think I can!!!

A wild ride on the horsey...

The girls braved the Chimney Rocks!

Five miles up in the Great Smokey Mountains is this beautiful creek, the water is fresh and clean, as well as very cold!

Abby practicing her diving skills on the rocks...

We really had to watch Miss Braveheart, as the rocks we a little slick and the water was moving fast - Meghan did not seem to mind the cold water at all!

Not quite a swimming pool, but as long as its water these girls don't mind!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Our trip to the Knoxville Zoo

Abby and Meghan mapping out their day at the zoo...

Just hangin' out under the tree during a bout of rain showers!

Meghan and Abby getting up close and personal with the camels..

Daddy giving the kids some help with feeding the camels..

And guess who was there....BARNEY....and he put on a show!

Abby joined the crazy mosh pit of toddlers!

They let out the baby goats just for Meghan to play with!

Abby got a chance to brush the felt so good that Mr. Goat went to sleep!

Meghan got "face to face" as well!

This cow squirts water!

So what do you think Abby, do you think we can a job on a farm milking cows??

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Our day at the pool!

Mommy and Daddy took us to cool off in the kiddie pool - did we have a great time or what??

Meghan enjoying her time just STANDING in the water...she is getting more steady on her feet everyday.

Maybe if I run fast enough the sprayers won't get me!!

Take me for a ride Mr. Frog!

It only took me 45 minutes to get in the water by myself, but then I didn't want to leave!

Do you like my hat??

I don't think these glasses fit too well!!!

Just enjoying some ice cold water on this hot day...

Hangin' out with Grandma Jenny

Here we are, just enjoying some popsicles with Grandma - we're so glad that she came to spend the week with us! Thank you Grandma Jenny!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Look at ME!!!!

Yes, you are seeing correctly, I AM WALKING! I haven't taken off full-go yet but watch out when I do - then Mommy and Daddy will probably send me to your house!

Whew, all that walking makes my little legs tired - I do believe that I deserve a break!

Let's water the flowers!

Abby's such a great help, she really likes using her watering can to help Mommy water her plants.

Wow, this is a big flower - I believe I need some more water!

Would you like some corn?

I might have some left on here if you want a bite, but you have to get it from me first!

Abby's the flower girl again!!

Here I am, in my second wedding of the summer...

Do you like my pretty flowers - let me tell you, this is one heavy basket!

Dylan, let me help you, there is some fuzz on you face..

So, when can I go out and play on that big slide??

Monday, July 03, 2006

This week's happening at the Bernard's

What a crazy week!!! Meghan had her first year check-up, she weighed in at 22 pounds, 2 oz. and was 31 inches long. She is 75% for weight and 98% for height. She's close to walking but not quiet there yet. She and her sister Abby are spending a lot of time in their pool. Abby is growing up way too fast - she is using the potty very well and loves spending time with with "Janie," her baby doll. They are at spending some time at Nunny and Papaw's while Daddy recovers from his tonsil and nasal surgery, in which he had last Thursday. He is doing well considering the extensive surgery he had. We'll get some more pictures on the website when things aren't so crazy. Until then, have a great 4th of July!

Meghan and Uncle Jerry..

Uncle Jerry and Aunt Joan stopped in for a visit last week, along with Aunt Debbie and Uncle Jack. Jerry and Joan are making their rounds from Florida. As you can tell, Meghan loves anyone who will hold and give her some love!

The girls hanging loose..

Two peas in a pod, these girls are truly a pair!


A girl has to have some toast with her eggs, doesn't she???

New shoes makes every girl smile!

Abby enjoying her new "flops" that Nunny bought her....thanks Nunny!