
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Good night's sleep (or BAD??)

Whew, our weekend trip to the zoo and the Smokey Mountains just wore me out!! We had a good time though as Abby and I got to share Mommy and Daddy's 7-year anniversary with them. We got to see lots of animals, hear newborn baby lion cubs cry, as well as seeing Barney, Jay-Jay the Jet Plane, and Johnny and the Sprites. We also went on a safari adventure at the zoo and since we found all of the animals, Meghan and I got a bagful of neat surprises- like coloring books, a beach ball, and a Bob the Builder video! Mom and Dad let us also pet the goats and lamas, as well as feed the camels. It was so much fun! Then, we played in the water in the mountains, it was REALLY cold. The next day we had the best pancakes ever made, then stopped at a kiddie playland on the way home. Enjoy the pictures of the week!


  • At 11:20 AM , Blogger Shay Bernard said...

    Whew!!! Sounds like you guys had LOTS of fun! Can't wait to show you all daddy and I did in Dallas. Maybe someday we'll be able to meet in the middle and hang out together!!



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