
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Our trip to the Boonshoft Museum

We took our first trip to Boonshoft today to meet our buddies Logan and Carter. It is a children's museum here in town. This was a cool place! We began the adventure here to play in the water.

Papaw has some experience with this loader - let's get this stuff picked up Meghan!

Here we are in jail, where we belong!

Meghan's all ready to catch butterflies.

I caught myself a ladybug!

Have a seat Meghan and we'll have some cake..yum, yum!

Would you like to join the tea party too?

Now we've made our way to the grocery store, where we can do our own shopping.

Meghan loads up on juice and jelly, her favorite!

OK, let's get checked out Jenny!

Wow - check out that bobcat! He's fast!

Well Carter, all good things must come to an end - so leave it to Meghan to pull his hat over his eyes before she gives him a big kiss goodnight!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Another playday in the snow.

So, what do you think Meghan, how many inches of snow is there??

Let's get on our coats and gloves and go outside!

This is a little deceiving, as we are standing on top of about 8 inches of frozen snow.

Here's a good 12 inches on our swing set, I guess we are not playing on this today! How's about it Uncle Shon, Uncle Chad and Aunt Michelle, you want to come up and visit - we heard they don't have this stuff in Florida and Victoria, TX!

Ok, why is there a 2 foot icicle on my swing?

We have to get this thing off!

I heard that eating snow is pretty good...

Meghan thinks so too, as she had a few handfuls.

Yep, this is a little cold.

Even with the best of efforts, Abby couldn't get all the snow off her slide.

Well, I have to floss my teeth with something!

It wore us out tromping all the way out here so we'll just take a quick break.

OK, take the hint - I am shivering!!! Can we all just go inside where it's nice and toasty?

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Our February trip to Kansas

Although Abby has flown before, she was too little to remember it but this time she was very excited to get on a big airplane. She was a good passenger, as she followed along with the flight attendant in her handy manual.

And this was Meghan's first flight! Boy, did she have Mom and Dad worried about how she would do, but just like Abby she did just fine.

Abby lets Meghan sit with her so she could see the clouds.

Well, we have landed and now it's time to ride a big red bus to get our rental car!

We get to have some pool time now, as Uncle Shay tries to lure Abby close to the edge and get her in the water.

Ok, Ms. Braveheart, which goof-ball is going to catch you??

I guess it will be Uncle Shay, this time anyway;-)

Gpa helps me to the side, just so I can climb out and jump in again.

You see, this is why I am not a fan of the pool, I get cold afterwards!!!

Uncle Shon takes a ride on the carousal with us - this thing made lots of money that weekend. How many of you still have the song going thru your head?

Here's Daddy and our crazy uncles.

And here's the reason we went to KS, to spend with the Bernard family Grandpa Marlin and Grandma Pat's 55th wedding anniversary celebration. Above are the grandparents, sons and daughter - in - laws, and grandchildren. It was great to get together once again.

Abby, Meghan, and Ava, the only thing missing is Bernard girl #4! Don't worry Ava, we will let your sister join us when she arrives!

Gma Julie invites her niece Kennedy to come and play with Abby on Sat. night.

Give us just a few minutes and we will have these pictures all nice and colorful!

And here we are at 6:45am, saying our goodbyes until next time. Later Ava - we'll see what kind of trouble we can get in next time!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

just two silly little girls...

Even though the Chiefs made an early exit out of the playoffs this year, Daddy still supports them - I'm just borrowing the hat.

I might share the grapes if you ask nicely.

Mommy held us down for a hair-trim, Meghan has some curly hair!

Mac and cheese - yum, yum, yum!

Mommy only thought we were going to help fold the towels but they are so nice and warm, we may just stay in here and take a nap!