
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Our trip to the Boonshoft Museum

We took our first trip to Boonshoft today to meet our buddies Logan and Carter. It is a children's museum here in town. This was a cool place! We began the adventure here to play in the water.

Papaw has some experience with this loader - let's get this stuff picked up Meghan!

Here we are in jail, where we belong!

Meghan's all ready to catch butterflies.

I caught myself a ladybug!

Have a seat Meghan and we'll have some cake..yum, yum!

Would you like to join the tea party too?

Now we've made our way to the grocery store, where we can do our own shopping.

Meghan loads up on juice and jelly, her favorite!

OK, let's get checked out Jenny!

Wow - check out that bobcat! He's fast!

Well Carter, all good things must come to an end - so leave it to Meghan to pull his hat over his eyes before she gives him a big kiss goodnight!


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