Our family update....
Well, warm weather is in full swing and we have a busy summer planned ahead. As most of you know and as hard as it is to believe Meghan will be celebrating her 2nd birthday next weekend. Nunny and Mommy took her to the party store to pick out her birthday theme and it was hands down "Blues Clues." On June 5th she goes to Children's Hospital for surgery to have tubes put in her ears. It's been a tough spring for the little girl but hopefully she will be on the mend after this is done. She still pulls at her ears but there's still quite a bit of fluid behind both of her ear drums which will not resolve on its own. So, keep her in your thoughts and prayers please!
Abby, on the other hand, is growing like crazy as well. She has her last swim lesson this week of this sesson. We're not for sure if she's ready to move on yet but she did well with this class. Her first dentist appointment is coming up next week, in which she thinks that she is going to go get her big girl teeth. We'll see how that goes! We are also going to let her go to summer camp at the YMCA a couple of weeks over the summer, in which they do arts and crafts and take a field trips twice a week. So as you can see, we will be busy, busy, BUSY! Enjoy the pictures and look for more as the summer progresses!
Abby, on the other hand, is growing like crazy as well. She has her last swim lesson this week of this sesson. We're not for sure if she's ready to move on yet but she did well with this class. Her first dentist appointment is coming up next week, in which she thinks that she is going to go get her big girl teeth. We'll see how that goes! We are also going to let her go to summer camp at the YMCA a couple of weeks over the summer, in which they do arts and crafts and take a field trips twice a week. So as you can see, we will be busy, busy, BUSY! Enjoy the pictures and look for more as the summer progresses!
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