
Sunday, November 25, 2007

It's Thanksgiving Day!

Daddy gives the girls some help with our new video game.

And here's baby Emily - she loves Abby (but who doesn't?)

That silly Uncle Chad, he is riding a stick horse with us!

Uncle Chad performs a magic trick - it was funny!

It takes a lot of hands to take care of the baby, right Aunt Elaine?

Look at all my stickers...

Don't stick your hands in the middle of this table, they might get bitten!

We love turkey!

And Meghan is opening her present at the gift exchange - Abby bailed out and went to bed after Uncle Chad woke her up...

It's ring around the rosy...

And it went terrible wrong - where's Autumn?

And once apon a time, we were the little ones running around Mamaw and Papaw's house. What a fun Thanksgiving in 2007!


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