Another week of T-Ball has came and went, lots of rain this past weeks so games are re-scheduled for next week. We are still having a blast learning the game and playing ball with all of our friends. We got our new cleats this past week, boy you should see us run now.

Sisters forever

Hydaration is the key to victory or so says mom and dad

Meghan has learned real fast that there isnt much action in the outfield when it comes to t-ball so she takes that time to study the grass and bugs

Right filed is a lonely place in t-ball

Go Blue Team

Off to the races

boy that first coach base look familiar, hey its my dad

Dad giving me some base running tips while mom plays photographer

Great running form, thank god I have some good coaches at home

Got to play third base, glove at the ready, uncle Shon will have to come down and give me some tips on how to play the field

Safe at Home

rounding third, look at that speed

getting instructions from the coach

being congratulated on by line drive to left field, too bad we can only take one base that should have been a triple aleast

People better not be picking dandelines when Im up
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