
Monday, January 18, 2010


Who knows why the sour face from the kiddo's - Nunny was able to make the trip up for the girls' Thanksgiving dinner at school.

The crazy faces continued....

Then we made our yearly Thanksgiving trip to Tennessee. We left on Tuesday after Abby was done with school and was able to spend Tues. night and Wednesday just to ourselves. It was really nice considering we were unable to take a vacation this year due to family obligations/travel. We spent Tues. night at The Christmas Inn in Pigeon Forge, it was a very nice and enjoyable place to stay!

Every hour of the day the big clock plays 3 Christmas songs. The finale is @ 10:00 pm, where they serve milk and cookies. After a little time in the pool the girls made their way to the lobby for the grand finale of the evening.

Of course, we have to write our letters to Santa.

Santa did write us back...pretty cool!

A family pic in the lobby before we checked out.

Mommy and Daddy got a little "lost" on the way to the trail we were going to hike, so we stopped here in North Carolina and went on a small hike here....and added another "state" that Abby and Meghan have traveled to.

2.4 round trip trail coming up...we need our energy so we enjoyed our drumsticks from KFC.

We read this sign to the girls as a warning to stay with us and little Abby was very concerned....needless to say neither of the girls strayed far from us.

Just enjoying the scenery.

We found our waterfall, which was well worth the hike!

Up we go...the mountain girls are on the move!

This hiking thing sure works up an appetite!

Water straight from the doesn't get much better than that!

On our way back from the waterfall.

It's a good thing Daddy is around to carry me out of here!

Besides, he could use the extra workout;-)

We made it to Thanksgiving Day, where we started the morning with the Macy's parade and Play-Doh time with Popaw.

The Thanksgiving spread....yum! Great job Nunny, and Auntie, and Mommy!

The fun continued when our cousins Autumn and Emily came up to exchange gifts and eat some smores. We only get to see them once a year so we make the most of it!

On Friday, Mommy and Daddy took another hike. NO way was it a trail for kids, listed as "stenuous" in the trail guide. 4.2 miles of straight-up, ice and snow covered trails! We made it all the way to the Chimney Top Summit, but the shear climb and LOOONNNGGG way down if we fell kept us from going all the way to the top. It was still awesome and rewarding.

Also on Thanksgiving weekend, it is the birthdays of the girls bears, Isabella and Cotton. So, we had a small birthday party for them as well.

We finished the weekend with some rowdy race car driving.

Don't let the smile fool you....she was a terror on the track!

What a great way to end the weekend!


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