
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Let the Christmas Season BEGIN!

Here we are in Kentucky, where we got to spend about 36 hours for the beginning of the Christmas traveling. Abby finally got her long-awaited Strawberry Shortcake doll. She smells really good!

We got Granny a new calender with pictures of us - she really enjoys that gift every year.

An attempt of getting all the Hall great-grandchildren into a picture....we did the best we could.

The "little boys" will play...trying out the Jumpin' Monkeys game.

Abby painted Nunny a purple kitty cat for Christmas.

And Meghan painted Auntie a piggy!

At the top of Meghan's Christmas list was a medical kit, she was really happy that she received that.

Abby loves to comb and fix hair, this was a top #3 on her list.

Meghan goes to work, making sure the baby is not sick. She fixed the baby doll right up!

Daddy gives the girls a hand with the new Barbie head.

Merry Christmas!!


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