
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Happenings of the Bernards

Well, it's hard to believe but here we are at the end of the April and spring has sprung! Abby only has a few more weeks of Kindergarten and then she is off to 1st grade....hard to believe huh! Not only that, but Meghan is now registered to begin her adventure in Kindergarten when the fall rolls around. Both the girls are doing really well in school. Abby has a field trip to the Children's Museum in a couple of weeks, in which she is very excited about that. She will also have her first sleepover when school is over with her Daisy Scout friends. Other than that, as you will see by the pictures we have been pretty busy little girls! Summer is almost here, which holds a lot of adventures. Little Meghan will be turning 5 on June 3rd, the party plans are yet to be determined. She wants to take swim lessons so we will start that in late May, as Abby will also be taking swim lessons. Also, Abby will start gymnastics in late May, something she has wanted to do for some time. We shall see how it goes! Hope all is well and enjoy the pictures.


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